Keynote speech
IB Education’s Contribution to Korean Public Education. Keynote Speech at IB Forum of National Assembly (Korea).
IB Education in Korean Public schools. Keynote Speech of Gyeonggi Province English Teachers Association Summer Seminar (Korea).
What is fostered at Korean universities? Copycat or Creator? Keynote Speech of 2nd Annual Entrepreneurship Conference (Korea).
Better University Education in the Post COVID-19 Era. Keynote Speech of 1st Annual Good Education Conference, BaekSeok University Virtual Conference (Korea).
The innovation of Distance Education in the Untact Era. Keynote Speech of 2020 Cyber University President Summit, University Competitiveness Network (Korea).
Why International Baccalaureate? – IB for Korean Education Reform. Keynote Speech of CITEF(Cheongju International Teacher Education Forum)
2019, Chungbook Provincial Office of Education & Cheongju National University of Education (Korea).
Paradigm Shift in Evaluation in Korean Public Education. Keynote Speech of Annual Conference on Open Education 2018, Korean Association of Open Education (Korea).
Paradigm Shift of College Assessment. Keynote Speech of Assessment Innovation Symposium of Medical Education, Medical College at Yonsei University (Korea).
A Practice-Based Conceptual Framework for e-Learning in Higher Education: From the Perspective of ‘Structure’ and ‘Interaction’. Keynote Speech of 3rd International Conference on Education and e-Learning 2013 (EeL 2013), Hosted by Global Science and Technology Forum (GSTF) (Singapore)
Evolutionary Change of Communication in Education: in the era of synchronous e-text communication. Keynote Speech of Annual International Conference on Education and e-Learning 2011 (EeL 2011), Hosted by Global Science and Technology Forum (GSTF) (Singapore)
Peer Evaluation in Blended Team Project Learning for Quality Teaching: What do students find important? Keynote Speech of 2009 International Technological and Vocational Education Conference (ITVEC). (National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan)
Blended e-Learning in University Education (2006). Keynote Speech of Conference on Building Research and Educational Programs for Scientists and Engineers Based on International Telecommunications and Internet (Chiba University, Japan)
Invited speech
Education Paradigm Shift in AI Era: IB Education. Invited Speech at Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education, Jeonnam Provincial Office of Education, Ulsan Metropolitan City Office of Education, Busan Metropolitan City Office of Education, Seoul Metropolitan City Office of Education, Jeonbook Provincial Office of Education.
IB Education in Korean Public schools. Invited Speech at Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science & Creativity, Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education, Gyeonggi Goyang Office of Education, Gyonggi-do AnyangGwacheon Office of Education, Busan Metropolitan City Institute for Gifted Education & Promotion, Gangwon Hoengseong Office of Education.
Empowering the Global Competitiveness of Universities by Curriculum Innovation. Invited Speech at University Innovation Support Project Webinar Conference, HTHT Global Conference, Inha University, Kyunghee Cyber University, Cheongju National University of Education.
Innovation of Korean Public Education: IB and Assessments. Invited Speech at College of Education at Ewha Womans University Faculty Forum.
Education Innovation in Reading the Global Education Paradigm. Invited Speech at Daegu Global Education Center.
New Normal of Post COVID19, How Can We Survive? Invited Speech of Online Forum Co-hosted by KOFST-KASCT-NAEK-NAMK, The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (한국과학기술단체총연합회), The Korean Academy of Science and Technology(한국과학기술한림원), National Academy of Engineering of Korea(한국공학한림원), National Academy of Medicine of Korea (대한민국의학한림원).
Why International Baccalaureate? Invited Speech, Daejeon Metropolitan Office of Education (Korea).
Why International Baccalaureate? Invited Speech of Daegu Future Education Forum, Daegu Metropolitan Office of Education (Korea).
Paradigm Shift of Assessment in Korean Public Education. Invited speech at Happy Education Conference 2019, Chungnam Provincial Office of Education, KAIST, Ansan K-12 Principals' Symposium, Daegu Metropolitan Office of Education, Jeju Provincial Office of Education, Chungbook Provincial Office of Education, Ulsan Metropolitan Office of Education, Kangwon Provincial Office of Education, Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, Sejong City Office of Education, etc. (Korea)
What is Assessed and Fostered in Our University Education? Invited speech at University Presidents' Exceptional Debate in Global HR Forum 2018, Korea.
Education Innovation in the 4th Industrial Revolution Era. Invited speech at Seoul Forum 2018/, KAIST International Education Forum/, Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education/, Busan Metropolitan Office of Education/, Daegu Metropolitan Office of Education/, Chungnam Provincial Office of Education/, Chungbook Provincial Office of Education/, Jeju Provincial Office of Education/, Kyungnam Provincial Office of Education/, Ulsan Metropolitan Office of Education/, etc. (Korea)
Evolution of Communication in Digital Learning Environments. Invited speech at Labuan International Conference on Educational Research 2017, Labuan, Malaysia.
Education Innovation by Exam Innovation. Invited speech at Global HR Forum 2017, Seoul Metropolitan City Office of Education/, Busan Metropolitan City Office of Education/, Ulsan Metropolitan City Office of Education/, Gangwon Provincial Office of Education/, Jeju Provincial Office of Education/, Business School at Seoul National University /, Hanyang University/, KAIST/, Association of Principals at Public High Schools/, etc (Korea).
Self-Directed Learning? Self-Managed Learning? Invited speech at Relay Forum in Daegu, Seoul, and Jeonju hosted by Ministry of Education & National Institute For Lifelong Education, Korea
Education Innovation in Alpha Go Era. Invited speech at Medical School of Seoul National University/, Center for In-service Teacher Education of Seoul National University/, Hanyang University/, Dong-Guk University/, Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education/, Gwangju Metropolitan Office of Education/, Jeollabukdo Office of Education/, Jeju Special Self-Governing Provincial Office of Education (Korea)
Future Education for Gifted Students. Invited speech for teachers at Korea Science Academy hosted by KAIST (Korea)
Where to go for our children's education? Invited speech and workshop at KAIST (Korea)
Future direction of Korean education. Invited speech at Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education (Korea)
What can SNU A+ students do? Invited presentation and panel discussion at Symposium of College of Liberal Studies at Seoul National University (Korea)
Future direction of Korean education. Invited speech at Gwangju Provincial Office of Education, Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education, Daegu Book Forum, Cheongdam High School, Gwacheon National Science Museum (Korea)
e-Learning in MOOCs era. Invited speech at KERIS (Korea Education & Research Information Service), Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education, Choongbuk National University (Korea)
Where should university education go? Invited speech at KAIST, Ajou University, Choongbuk National University, Seoul Women's University, etc. (Korea)
Effective communication in a digital environment: how to overcome the barriers between teachers and students. Invited Speech at International research-to-practice conference of Educational Policy, Practice, and Research. AEO Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools (Astana, Kazakhstan)
Who Gets the Best Grade at SNU? What Do Professors Assess? Invited speech at USE LAB SEMINAR, School of Education & School of Information, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, USA)
A Quality Assurance Framework for e-Learning Planning and Design. Invited speech at KERIS (Korea Education & Research Information Service) (Seoul, Korea)
What Motivates Students' Response in e-Text Communication? Invited Speech at 2011 KUACE (Korean University Alliance for Cyber Education) Workshop (Seoul, Korea)
How to Communicate with Students through e-Text? Invited Speech at KERIS (Korea Education & Research Information Service) (Seoul, Korea)
What do universities evaluate? Who gets an A+? Invited Speech at Education Forum of SNU COE (Seoul National University, College of Education) (Seoul, Korea)
Analysis of High-Achievers Learning Experiences in Team Project-Based Learning. Invited Speech at 2010 Hokkaido University – Seoul National University Joint Symposium. (Sapporo, Japan)
Where to go for Curriculum Innovation in a Top Research University: Should we teach Product or Process? Invited Speech at Center for Research and Development in Higher Education, Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Japan)
Curriculum Innovation in a Top Research University: Should we teach product or process? Invited Speech at CLEAR (Center for Learning Enhancement and Research) at Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong, China)
Challenges to Build a Tutoring System in Quality Blended e-Learning in Higher Education. Invited Speech at International Symposium on Professional Development in Higher Education. Tsukuba University (Tsukuba, Japan)
Faculty Development and Quality of Teaching – Seoul National University Case. Invited Speech at International Symposium on Professional Development in Higher Education 2009. Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Japan)
e-Learning and Quality Teaching at Seoul National University. Invited Speech from Open University Malaysia about Report and Survey on Best Practices of ODL and Dual mode. (Through web-conferencing)
Strategies to Build a Blended e-Learning Environment for Quality University Education. Invited speech at International Symposium 2008 on Long-Term Strategic Vision of e-Learning Implementation in Higher Education. National Institute of Multimedia Education (Tokyo, Japan)
How to Build a Successful Center for Teaching and Learning. Invited speech at Korean Air Force Academy Seminar (Daejeon, Korea)
Instructional Strategies for Blended e-Learning. Invited speech at e-Learning Inspector program by Ministry of Education. (Seoul, Korea)
e-Teaching Strategies in Higher Education. Invited Speech at Law and Culture Forum of SNU Law School. (Seoul, Korea)
A Strategy to Motivate Professors’ Use of e-Learning in a Blended Learning environment. Invited speech at the Joint Symposium of the Seoul National University and Hokkaido University. (Sapporo, Japan)
Blended e-Learning System for the Quality Education in Traditional University. Invited Speech at PNC 2006 Annual Conference in Conjunction with PRDLA and ECAI. Hosted by PNC(Pacific Neighborhood Consortium) & SNU. (Seoul, Korea)
Quality Assurance in Higher Education Using IT. Presentation at NIME(National Institute of Multimedia Education in Japan)’s Official Visiting for the survey on Quality Assurance in Asian Countries (Seoul, Korea)
Influence of Instructional Design and Management Style On Student Achievement and Satisfaction in e-Learning Environment. Invited speech at Winter Symposium of KACTL(Korean Association of Center for Teaching and Learning) (Seoul, Korea)
e-Learning to Upgrade College Teaching. Invited speech at Faculty Council of College of Agricultural and Life Science, SNU. (Seoul, Korea)
Conference Proceedings (Refereed)
Lee, Hye-Jung, Hong, Y., Choi, Hyoseon (2015). Tutoring as an institutional strategy in higher education. Proceedings in AERA (American Educational Research Association) 2015 (Chicago, USA).
Lee, Hye-Jung, Makara, K., Choi, K., Hong, Y. (2014). An Explorative Comparison of South Korea and US College Students' Approaches to Team Project-Based Learning. Proceedings in AERA (American Educational Research Association) 2014 (Philadelphia, USA).
Lee, Hye-Jung & Hong, Youngil (2011). Instructional Design Implications of Orality and Literacy: From an analysis of high-achieving students’ note-taking strategies. Proceedings of KERA (Korean Educational Research Association) Annual Conference 2011 (Gwang-Ju, Korea).
Lee, Hye-Jung, Kim, Hyekyoung, & Byun, Hyunjung (2011). What Do High-Achieving College Students Do in Team Project-Based Learning? Proceedings in 2011 KSET International Conference (Seoul, Korea).
Lee, Hye-Jung, Hong, Youngil, & Kim, Yoonjeong (2010). Non-Verbal Text in Mobile e-Text Communication: To discourage or encourage as an instructional strategy? 10 e-Learning Asia Conference (Seoul, Korea).
Lee, Hye-Jung (2009). Peer Evaluation: What do students find important? Proceedings of E-LEARN 2009 (Vancouver, Canana).
Lee, Hye-Jung & Choi, Hyoseon (2009). Learner Characteristics and Learning Strategies in Higher Education. Proceedings of E-LEARN 2009 (Vancouver, Canana).
Lee, Hye-Jung (2009). Strategies to Build a Blended e-Learning Environment for Quality University Education. 09 e-Learning Asia Conference (Seoul, Korea).
Lee, Hye-Jung & Park, Kyungsun (2009). Quality Management Strategies for e-Learning Contents Development; Usability Evaluation. Proceedings of ’09 KACTL(Korean Association of Centers for Teaching and Learning) Winter Symposium (Seoul, Korea). pp.253-268.
Lee, Hye-Jung, Lim, Cheolil, Heo, Eunnyeong. Choi, Hyoseon, & Hong, Youngil (2008). A Blended e-PBL Strategy for Interdisciplinary Courses: Proposing ‘Matrix-Archive’ Based on Cognitive Flexibility Theory. Proceedings of KERA(Korean Educational Research Association) International Conference 2008 (Seoul, Korea). pp.1051-1065.
Lee, Hye-Jung (2008). Peer Evaluation: What do students find important? Paper presented at 2008 KSET International Conference (Seoul, Korea).
Lee, Hye-Jung (2008; Best Paper Nominated). A Learning Process Mechanism in CSCL(Computer Supported Collaborative Learning). Proceedings of ICCE(International Conference of Computers in Education) 2008 (Taipei, Taiwan).
Lee, Hye-Jung & Hong, Youngil (2007). Effects of Online Peer Feedback Type on Learning Outcome in a Blended e-Learning Environment. Proceedings in the 8th International Conference on Education Research (Seoul, Korea). pp.574-588.
Lee, Hye-Jung (2007). A Strategy to Motivate Professors’ use of e-Learning system in a Blended Learning Environment. Paper presented at College Teaching and Learning Conference (Venice, Italy).
Lee, Hye-Jung & Choi, Hyosun (2007). Development of Menu Templates as a Strategy to Motivate Professors' Use of e-Learning System in a Blended Learning Environment. Proceedings in 2007 KSET International Conference (Seoul, Korea). pp.244-252.
Choi, Kyungae, Lee, Hye-Jung & Kim, Seri (2007). Reflection of the concepts and the scope of e-Learning. Proceedings in Conference of KAEIM(Korean Association for Educational Information and Media) (Seoul, Korea). pp.74-83.
Lee, Hye-Jung, Choi, Hyosun, & Lee, Woonjee (2006). A Strategy to Improve Faculties’ LMS Usability in Blended Learning Environment: SNU Case of Menu Template Development. Proceedings in The 7th International Conference on Education Research (Seoul, Korea). pp.392-412.
Lee, Hye-Jung (2006). A Model of a Knowledge-Building Process in Web-Based Asynchronous Discussion Learning. Proceedings in 2006 AECT(Association for Educational Communications and Technology)’s Annual International Convention (Dallas, USA).
Lee, Hye-Jung & Son, Jiyoung (2006). Strategies to Establish a Blended e-Learning for the Quality Education in Traditional University. Proceedings in International Conference for Media in Education(ICoMe) at National Olympic Memorial Youth Center. pp.3-11, (Tokyo, Japan)
Lee, Hye-Jung & Lee, Woonjee (2006). Development of Menu Template by the Level of Professors Computer Literacy : SNU Case. Proceedings in International Conference for Media in Education(ICoMe) at National Olympic Memorial Youth Center (Tokyo, Japan).
Lee, Hye-Jung, Kim, Dongil, & Kim, Insu (2005). Blended e-Learning Strategies for Effective Teaching in Traditional Universities. Proceedings in 2005 International Symposium and Conference (Busan, Korea). pp.187-199.
Lee, Hye-Jung & Woo, Jungwon (2005). Influence of electronic text presentation mode on student understanding and satisfaction. Proceedings in 2005 AECT(Association for Educational Communications and Technology)'s Annual International Convention (Orlando, USA).
Lee, Hye-Jung (2004). Influence of Instructional Design and Management Style On Student Achievement and Satisfaction in Online Distance Learning Environment. Proceedings in 2004 International Symposium and Conference: Educational Media in Schools.(Osaka, Japan) pp.29-36.
Lee, Hye-Jung & Yu, Byeong-Min (2004). Learning process in resource-based well structured instruction in web-based distance learning environment. Proceedings in 2004 AECT(Association for Educational Communications and Technology)'s Annual International Convention (Chicago, USA).
Yu, Byeong-Min & Lee, Hye-Jung (2004). Strategies for teaching large classes in universities. Proceedings in 2004 International Symposium and Conference: Educational Media in Schools (Osaka, Japan) pp.191-196.
Lee, Hye-Jung (2004). Theoretical Understanding of Cyber Distance Education. Proceedings of KAEIM Conference 2004. pp. 193-212.