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Publication / Articles

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (SSCI; Social Science Citation Index, KCI; Korean Citation Index) 

Lee, Hye-Jung, & Park, S. (2023). What drives the learning benefits of moving text? A theoretical discussion for learning implications of kinetic typography. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (SSCI). 10(1), 1-7.

Lee, Hye-Jung (2021). Introduction of IB(International Baccalaureate) into Korean National Public Schools. IB Education Research Vol.5, pp.7-12. Japan Association for Research into IB Education (JARIBE)

Lee, Hye-Jung, Lee, J., Makara, K., Fishman, B., Teasley, S. (2017). A cross-cultural comparison of college students’ learning strategies for academic achievement between South Korea and the USA. Studies in Higher Education (SSCI). 42(1), 169-183.


Lee, Hye-Jung, Hong, Youn-Il, Choi, Hyoseon (2017). Perceptions of tutoring roles and psychological distance among instructors, tutors, and students at a Korean university. Higher Education Research and Development (SSCI). 36(1), 143-157.


Rieh, S., Collins-Thompson, K., Hansen, P., Lee, H.-J.* (2016). Towards search as a learning process: A review of current perspectives and future directions. Journal of Information Science (SSCI). Journal of Information Science, 42(1), 19-34.  


Lee, Hye-Jung, Kim, H., Byun, H. (2015). Are high achievers successful in collaborative learning? An explorative study of college students’ learning approaches in team project-based learning. Innovations in Education and Teaching International (SSCI). DOI:10.1080/14703297.2015.1105754.

Lee, Hye-Jung, Lee, J., Makara, K., Fishman, B., & Hong, Y. (2015). Does Higher Education Foster Critical and Creative Learners? An Exploration of Two Universities in South Korea and the United States. Higher Education Research and Development (SSCI), Vol. 34, No.1, 131-146. 

Lee, Hye-Jung (2015). A Theoretical Discussion for e-Text Communication in Learning. Interactive Learning Environments (SSCI). Vol. 23, No.3, 317-331.  

Lee, Hye-Jung, Lim, Cheolil (2012). Peer Evaluation in Blended Team Project-Based Learning: What Do Students Find Important? Educational Technology and Society (SSCI), Vol.15, No.4, 214-224.  

Lee, Hye-Jung, Lee, Jihyun (2012). Who Gets the Best Grades at Top Universities? An Exploratory Analysis of Institution-wide Interviews with the Highest Achievers at a Top Korean University. Asia-Pacific Education Review (SSCI), Vol.13, No.4, 665-676. DOI 10.1007/s12564-012-9227-8.   

Lee, Hye-Jung, Hong, Youngil, & Kim, Yoonjung (2012). Understanding of Mobile e-Text Communication with the Framework of Orality and Literacy: Student Perception of Non-Verbal Text. Educational Technology International (KCI), Vol.13, No.1, 1-28. 


Lee, Hye-Jung & Hong, Youngil (2011). Instructional implications of orality and literacy: A case of high-achievers' note-taking strategies. Korean Journal of Educational Technology (KCI). 27(4), 670-700. 


Lee, Hye-Jung & Kim, Insu (2011). Development of a Content Analysis Framework in Online Group-Based Learning. Journal of Lifelong Learning Society (KCI). Vol.7, No. 3, 109-127. 


Lee, Hye-Jung & Sung, Eunmo (2011). A Qualitative Analysis of Learning Strategies of High Academic Achievers in Higher Education. Korean Journal of Educational Technology (KCI). Vol. 27, No. 1, 1-35. 


Lee, Hye-Jung & Choi, Hyoseon (2010). New Perspectives of Non-verbal Text in Online Learning Environments: Beyond Ong's Orality and Literacy. Asian Journal of Education (KCI). 12 (1), p.167-188. 


Lee, Hye-Jung & Choi, Hyoseon (2010). Differences of Using Learning Strategies in Higher Education: By SAT, GPA, and On/Off line Environments. International Journal for Educational Media and Technology, Vol. 4, No.1, p.57-66.  


Lee, Hye-Jung, Choi, Kyoung-Ae, Kim, Seri, Hong, Seongyoun, & Hong, Youngil (2010). A Conceptual Framework for e-Learning in Higher Education: From the perspective of Structure and Interaction. Asian Journal of Education (KCI). Vol. 11, No. 2, p.297-326. 


Lee, Hye-Jung, Kim, Seri, & Choi, Kyoung-Ae (2010). International Study on Core e-Learning Management Strategies in Higher Education. The Journal of Educational Information and Media (KCI). 16(1), 95-124. 


Lee, Hye-Jung & Hong, Youngil (2010). Development of e-Learning Program on Blended e-Learning Instructional Strategies for Quality University Teaching. Asian Journal of Education (KCI). 11(1), 67-90. 


Lee, Hye-Jung & Jang, Seon-Young (2010). Developmental Study of a Scaffolding Guideline for Improving Tutor's Performance in e-PBL. The Journal of Yeolin Education (KCI), Vol.18, No.1, p.67-96. 


Lee, Hye-Jung, Choi, Kyoung-Ae, & Kim, Seri (2009). Policies and Strategies for Quality Teaching in Research Universities. Korean Journal of Educational Research (KCI), Vol.47, No.4, p.145-174. 


Lee, Hye-Jung, Choi, Kyung-Ae, Kim, Seri, & Hong, Youngil (2009). A Quality System of the Extension Program in a University. Journal of Lifelong Education (KCI), Vol.15, No.4, p.1-33. 


Lee, Hye-Jung & Ilju Rha (2009). Influence of Structure and Interaction on Student Achievement and Satisfaction in Web-Based Distance Learning.Educational Technology and Society (SSCI), Vol. 12, No 4, p.372-382.   


Lee, Hye-Jung & Park, Kyoungson (2009). A Strategy of Student-Centered Usability Evaluation for Quality Management in e-Learning Contents Development. The Journal of Educational Information and Media (KCI). Vol.15, No.3, p.63-88. 


Lee, Hye-Jung & Lee, Ji-Hyun (2008). Analysis of University Accreditation Criteria for Quality University Teaching. Asian Journal of Education (KCI). Vol. 9, No. 3, p.173-204. 


Lee, Hye-Jung & Choi, Hyoseon (2008). Development of LMS Template to Motivate Professors' Use of an e-Learning System. Korean Journal of Educational Technology (KCI). Vol. 24, No. 2, p.153-180. 


Lee, Hye-Jung & Kim, Taehyun (2008). Influence of e-Learning Contents Type on Learning Outcome. Journal of Lifelong Learning Society (KCI). Vol. 4, No. 1, p.75-92. 


Lee, Hye-Jung & Lee, Jihyun (2007). Analysis of Policy Research Trend upon Distance University Policies. Journal of Lifelong Education (KCI). Vol.13, No.4, p.1-26. 


Lee, Hye-Jung & Lee, Sunghye (2007). An Investigation of Professors' Needs to Activate Blended e-Learning System in a Conventional University. Journal of Educational Information and Media(KCI).13(4), 77-102. 


Lee, Hye-Jung, Hong, Youngil, & Son, Jiyoung (2007). Effects of Online Feedback Types among Students on Learning Outcome in a Blended e-Learning Environment. The Journal of Educational Information and Media (KCI). Vol.13, No.2, p.131-157. 


Lee, Hye-Jung & Kim, Insu (2007). Blended e-Learning Strategies for Effective Teaching in Traditional Universities. Educational Technology International (KCI). Vol.8, No.1, p.71-90. 


Kim, Dongil, Lee, Hye-Jung, & Son, Jiyoung (2005). Practical Solutions for Establishing Blended e-Learning System to Improve the Quality of University Education. Asian Journal of Education (KCI). 6(4), 97-123. 


Shin, Namin, Leem, Junghoon, & Lee, Hye-Jung (2005). A Review of Distance Education Research in Korea; 1985-2005. Korean Journal of Educational Technology (KCI). Vol. 21, No. 4, p.195-227. 


Lee, Hye-Jung (2004). Learning Process in Resource-Based Well-Structured Instruction in Web-Based Distance Self-Learning Environment. Korean Journal of Educational Research (KCI). Vol. 42, No. 4, p.501-529. 


Lee, Hye-Jung (2004). A Model of Knowledge-building Process in Asynchronous Online Discussion Learning. Korean Journal of Educational Technology (KCI). Vol. 20, No. 1, p.117-140. 


Lee, Hye-Jung (2004). New Perspectives of Theoretical Research in Web-based distance education; Beyond Moore's Concepts. Korean Journal of Educational Research (KCI). Vol. 42, No. 1, p.137-168.

Publication / Project Report 

Lee, Hye-Jung, Cho, Hyunyoung, Jin, Sungeun, Yun, Hyejin, Hyun, Seungho, Kwon, Mi-Ae, Hong, Youngil (2023). A Longitudinal Analysis on the Effectiveness of IB Education in Jeju Public Schools (2nd year). Funded by Jeju Provincial Office of Education.

Lee, Hye-Jung, Cho, Hyunyoung, Jin, Sungeun, Yun, Hyejin, Hyun, Seungho, Kwon, Mi-Ae, Hong, Youngil (2022). A Longitudinal Analysis on the Effectiveness of IB Education in Jeju Public Schools (1st year). Funded by Jeju Provincial Office of Education.

Song, Jinwoong, Kang, Hyunseok, Kwon, Oh-hyun, Kwon, Ohnam, Kim, Hojung, So, Youngsun, Lee, Hye-Jung (2022). The Transition to Future Education: Improving Classroom Assessment and College Entrance System using Essay-type Questions. Funded by Daegu Metropolitan City Office of Education.  

Song, Jinwoong, Kang, Kwon, Oh-hyun, Kwon, Ohnam, Kim, Hojung, So, Youngsun, Lee, Hye-Jung (2022). A Basic Research of the Evaluation System for Essay-type CSAT and of Teacher Education Programs through a Comparison with IB Education. Funded by Seoul National University.

Lee, Hye-Jung, Cho, Hyunyoung, Jin, Sungeun, Yun, Hyejin, Hyun, Seungho, Hong, Youngil (2021). Research Design for a Longitudinal Study on the Effectiveness of IB Education in Jeju Public Schools. Funded by Jeju Provincial Office of Education. 

Lee, Hye-Jung, Lee, Bum, Hong, Youngil (2020). Strategies for Settlement of IB Programs in Korean Public Schools. Funded by Daegu Metropolitan City Office of Education.

Lee, Hye-Jung, Lee, Bum, Lee, Honam, Han Sukhee, Hong, Youngil (2019). KB Ten-Year Plan for Public Education Innovation - by Pilot Implementation of IB Programs. Funded by Choongnam Provincial Office of Education.

Son, Minho, Kim, Jinwoo, Park, Hyuyong, Sung, Yealgwan, Lee, Jaejin, Lee, Hye-Jung (2019). Curriculum Comparison for the National Pilot Sejong Smart City. Funded by MLIT(Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport) & KERIS(Korea Education and Research Information Service).

Lee, Hye-Jung, Lee, Bum, Park, Hasik, Ha, Hwaju, Hong, Youngil (2018). Adoption Plan of IB Program and Assessment System to Jeju Public Education. Funded by Jeju Provincial Office of Education.

Lee, Hye-Jung, Lee, Bum, Song, Jaebum, Kim, Jinwoo, Lee, Kijung, Hong, Youngil (2018). Assessment System Innovation Plan to Nurture Critical Creative Competency: Based on IB. Funded by Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education. 

Publication / Books

Lee, Hye-Jung, Lee, Bum, Kim, Jinwoo, Park, Hashik, Song, Jaebum, Ha, Whaju, Hong, Young-Il (2019). Talking IB. Seoul: Changbi Edu. 


Lee, Hye-Jung (2017). Exams in Korea: Changing Korea by Education Innovation. Seoul: Dasan Books.

Lee, Hye-Jung (2015). A Knowledge-building Process in Interaction-based E-Learning. E-Learning - Instructional Design, Organizational Strategy and Management, Dr. Boyka Gradinarova (Ed.), DOI: 10.5772/61518.


Lee, Hye-Jung (2014). Who gets an A+ at Seoul National University? Seoul: Dasan Books.


Lee, Hye-Jung (2008). Instructional Strategies for Blended e-Learning to Upgrade My Teaching. Seoul: Kyoyook kwahaksa. 


Lee, Hye-Jung (TBA). We are TEXTing!

Publication / Media



Lee, Hye-Jung, Lim, Cheolil (2009). Instructional Strategies for e-Learning. Seoul National University Open Course Ware. Korea. Developed 17 Modules for college teachers (fully online). 


Lee, Hye-Jung, Rha, Ilju (2003). Theory and Practice in Distance Education. Korea Digital University. Korea. Developed 15 Modules for a semester course at the undergraduate level (fully online). 



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